Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business Cards

Welcome back all who come to this happy place!

This week in my digital media course we tackled something new in Photoshop! We created three distinct versions of our own personal business card. Each business card had my name, some made up information, and most importantly our own personal logo! My personal logo can be seen earlier on this blog. Each one of my cards has a specific color scheme: orange, yellow, and pink. These colors match my personality and a realistic flower color tone. I tried to make my cards as simple as possible because less is always more in my opinion. Below I will attach my three business cards that are double sided!

Thank you for viewing and visiting!
See ya real soon!

Carley Heskett

How to: InDesign

Welcome back to all who come to this happy place!

This week we are starting a brand new adobe application: InDesign! Although I am sad our Illustrator  and Photoshop days are over, I am excited to learn how to operate InDesign. To help me get an idea I looked up a few tutorials on how to work in this application. I have attached the three links below if you are interested!

I hope you enjoyed those tutorials, and that they may help you if you decide to one day tackle InDesign. Thank you for reading!

See ya real soon!
Carley Heskett

Tag Brush

Welcome all who come to this happy place!

A few weeks ago in Photoshop we were able to turn our own personal logo into a tag brush! What this means is that we made our logo into a brush for Photoshop allowing us to brush it onto any assignment that would precede this assignment. For this in-class assignment we took out logo and used some other brushes to create almost a graffiti-like effect of our logo. Then we added it to our palette of brushes. Adding to the palette of brushes allows us to grab our logo at anytime on Illustrator or Photoshop. What is wonderful about our logo being a brush now is that we can change it to be any color we desire. In addition we can make it as prominent or discreet as we want it to depending on how many times we use the brush it one setting. For example, below I have attached a turquoise version of my brush. I chose to use the color turquoise for my example because it is my favorite color and reminds me of the ocean. To extenuate the idea of the ocean I made my brush color yellow in between one of my many clicks of turquoise. By clicking my brush repeatedly on the document, I was able to make my logo very dark and defined.

Thank you for reading!
See ya real soon,
Carley Heskett

Monday, November 11, 2019

Becoming Toy

Welcome all who come to this happy place,

This week we have learned to master the warp and brush tools in Photoshop. Using these tools we were able to transform a photo of ourself into a doll and locate the doll version of us into a location we have never been before.

Because the holiday's are coming up, I was inspired to get festive for this project! I decided to make myself into a porcelain doll ornament. Christmas is an extremely big deal to my family. It is something that brings us together. We have several holiday traditions that we hold very close to my heart. My favorite has always been about our Christmas tree. Every year we would travel far away to cut down our own Christmas tree. We would bring our beautiful new healthy tree into our home, play some holiday music AND a Christmas movie -usually the Santa Claus- and then we would dress it in beautiful lights and ornaments. To be honest, my mom would do the light decorating. Once all the lights were on my sister, mom and I would all grab one ornament at a time out of our giant box of unique ornaments my mom had collected over the years. Every ornament has a story or memory. My mom had a porcelain ornament from the years my sister and I were born. I decided to honor those beautiful ornaments and make a porcelain doll version of myself. Given that this ornament is a little creepy for Christmas, it was the best way I could achieve the porcelain doll effect.

To do this I used a brush and refine edge tool to erase the background of my chosen photo. Then I used the direct selection tool to locate just the skin of my photo. I then I added a new adjustment layer and changed the vibrance of my skin to negative 80. Then I created another adjustment layer using curves that allowed me to contrast the black and white tones of the photo. The final and third layer adjustment I made was with sold color. I used solid white under soft light to truly create the porcelain doll effect. Then I combines all my layers to create a smart object and liquified them. Once all my layers were under one smart object I was able to actually manipulate my face to truly make it look like a doll. So I started with the bloat tool to make my eyes and lips appear much larger as a doll's eyes would look. Then I used the pucker tool to make my nose appear much smaller and reminiscent of a doll. To conclude my project I put my tag brush on the image. I tried to make it blend in so it would not stand out too much because I did not want it to take away from my picture. So I placed my tag brush on the gold ornament in the top right corner. Below you can find the final image of my project.

Overall, it is a creepy image of an ornament that I probably would not put on my tree. But it accomplishes what was asked of the assignment and it was quite fun to do! Thank you for reading

See ya real soon!
Carley Heskett

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

B/W to Color Portraits

Welcome to all who come to this happy place!

In my digital media class we have been working in photoshop for about a week and a half now. We are mastering and manipulating the power of color! For our assignment this week, we were tasked with picking a photo of ourselves that we would add new colors to that would change the image! I decided to pick a color with a simple two colored background that had fun shapes. I thought this would best highlight and emphasize the color changes. Once I decided on my photo, I had to put it into photoshop and make it black and white. Once the photo was adapted to black and white, I went to and picked my favorite color: a nice light turquoise. After I decided on my main color, the website offered me the varying color palettes. The color palettes were in Analogous, Monochromatic, Triad, Complementary, Complex, and Shades. I made the analogous version of my photo first. I used the brush tool to add and remove the colors. Once it was complete I made 5 more copies of it. In the other copies I was able to simply adjust the colors to fit the proper color palette they were in. Below you will find my six different versions of my photo! I hope you enjoy!

Thank you for catching up with me!

See ya real soon!