Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Gradient Mesh Tool Projects

Hello to all who come to this happy place!

This week we discovered the wonderful Gradient Mesh tool in Illustrator! We practiced in class with creating a pear! We started using a pen tool to outline a basic pear shape. The first pear was simple because they were filled with solid colors! Then we copy and pasted the same shape but used gradient mesh! It allowed s to add more depth to our fruit! Creating natural color shading and highlighting enabled us to create a more realistic fruit!

For homework we were asked to create our own gradient mesh illustration based on any object we could find at home! I was inspired by our pear assignment and went to my kitchen and utilized my fruit and veggie drawer! I decided to take a photo of my green bell pepper! And then went to work in Illustrator! I uploaded the photo into the application and locked the layer so I could easily trace on top of the picture! Then I went to the gradient mesh tool to create the different shades of color that can be seen on the natural (and slightly old) pepper! Below you can find my pears, the original pepper photo, and the gradient mesh pepper!

Thank you so much for visiting!
See you real soon,

Carley Heskett

1 comment:

  1. This is a brilliantly drawn pepper. The shading and colors give it a really nice 3D feel, despite being a two dimensional image. Carley did an amazing job with the shading colors, especially with the yellow sections, and how it nicely fades into the green on the pepper itself. It's a top notch Gradient Mesh!
