Monday, October 28, 2019

How to: Photoshop

Welcome back to all who come to this happy place!

This week we are starting a brand new adobe application: Photoshop! Although I am sad our Illustrator days are over, I am excited to learn how to operate Photoshop. To help me get an idea I looked up a few tutorials on how to work in this application. I have attached the three links below if you are interested!

I hope you enjoyed those tutorials, and that they may help you if you decide to one day tackle Photoshop. Thank you for reading!

See ya real soon!
Carley Heskett

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Self Portrait

Welcome back to all who come to this happy place.

For our final project in Illustrator we had to create a self portrait. Using the pen tool, gradient mesh, and shape builder tool. To start I pasted a headshot of myself into a layer, and in a new layers I used the pen tool to outlined my hair, face, and facial features: eyes, mouth, nose. After these shapes were created and each in their individual layer, I filled them using the eye dropper tool to match the real color from the photo. After the shapes were colored I went grabbed the gradient mesh tool. I added a gradient mesh to my hair to replicate the different highlights in my hair, to my lips to replicate the coloring of my slightly worn lipstick, and to my face to replicate the shading happening in the photo from the light. I used a radial gradient on my eyes to illustrate the different shades in my eyes. After my face was filled and had different gradients, I then added lines to create more depth. I added lines with a 50% opacity to my hair as well as lines with 50% opacity to the outside of my smile. This helped emphasize my natural smile and cheeks. Once I finished the image of myself I then moved to my background. I created dozens of sunflowers to surround myself. I try to live my life in bloom. Constantly growing and thrive when I am learning and growing as a person. In addition, sunflowers are very positive symbols. I believe it is much easier to like a life as a Positive Polly versus Negative Nelly. I constantly surround myself with flowers. They are natural beauties that are all unique and come from the earth simply to grow, help species survive, and bring joy. I have always loved the quote "Be Honest. Be Nice. Be a flower not a weed." I try to live by this quote. It makes life a lot more enjoyable when you're nice, honest, kind, thoughtful, etc. and this will bring life to yourself and the world around you. Below you can see the final product of my self portrait.

I had a blast creating this self portrait! This is by far my favorite assignment we have done. I can't wait to make several other portraits of my friends, family, and dog. Thank you for visiting my blog! I hope you enjoyed this one as much as I did.

See ya real soon!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Gradient Mesh Tool Projects

Hello to all who come to this happy place!

This week we discovered the wonderful Gradient Mesh tool in Illustrator! We practiced in class with creating a pear! We started using a pen tool to outline a basic pear shape. The first pear was simple because they were filled with solid colors! Then we copy and pasted the same shape but used gradient mesh! It allowed s to add more depth to our fruit! Creating natural color shading and highlighting enabled us to create a more realistic fruit!

For homework we were asked to create our own gradient mesh illustration based on any object we could find at home! I was inspired by our pear assignment and went to my kitchen and utilized my fruit and veggie drawer! I decided to take a photo of my green bell pepper! And then went to work in Illustrator! I uploaded the photo into the application and locked the layer so I could easily trace on top of the picture! Then I went to the gradient mesh tool to create the different shades of color that can be seen on the natural (and slightly old) pepper! Below you can find my pears, the original pepper photo, and the gradient mesh pepper!

Thank you so much for visiting!
See you real soon,

Carley Heskett

Monday, October 14, 2019


Welcome back to all who come to this happy place!

The past few weeks we have been working in Illustrator! This last week we drew 10 different logos that we believe represented ourself in our sketch book! After picking the top 3 out of the 10, we put our logo ideas into illustrator using the pathfinder and shape builder tool! I used the shape builder tool to create two circles next to each other essentially creating a shape reminiscent of a Venn Diagram! I took the center section where the two circles overlapped to create the petal shape of my sunflower! Then I copied and pasted the single petal 8 times to create the many petals a sunflower would halve. Then I used the shape builder tool to create a rounded rectangle and a long thin rectangle to look like a mic! I chose the colors yellow and purple not only because they compliment each other but because they represent me! I try to be as optimistic and uplifting as possible in my every day life! It is important to me to try to leave people feeling better than when I met them! The purple represents my creative side! I live a creative life and lead with my love for performance and creating! Albert Einstein once said "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution." Whether it is acting, singing, dancing, drawing, baking, etc. I try to follow my passions in life that are deeply rooted from my love of creating, 

Thank you for reading!
See ya real soon!